Be sure to order your official Carnegie Screenwriters Script and Screen Festival T-shirt while supplies last!
Official festival T-shirt. All proceeds will go towards next year’s festival.

Congratulations to Carnegie Screenwriters & festival director Wendy Grube for a successful Script & Screen Festival at the Tull Family Theater in Sewickley. We had 34 short screenplays submitted with one coming in from Singapore. The top three were given seated readings at the festival reception on August 26. The reception was well attended as writers, actors and filmmakers mingled and enjoyed great food and beverages.
On Sunday the 27th we screened over 30 short films including submissions from England, Iran and Russia as well as across the United States.
The audience voted for their favorites. First place went to “Lightheaded,” a comedy written and produced by Caroline Collins and directed by Steve Parys. Second place was “Breakage,” a drama written and directed by Steve Parys. Third place was “Big Boy” a comedy by Yuri Solodov of Russia. Congratulations to them and all of our writers, filmmakers and actors.