CSW Presents: “Fade In”

The Carnegie Screenwriters present: “Fade In’ on PCTV-21. The show explores screenwriting, film, TV and new media in the Pittsburgh area and beyond. You can view episodes on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC46GiTLZgO_qNUOm0TC7Inw
The show runs Thursday nights on PCTV-21.

CSW film wins 4 awards in the 48 Hour Film Project Horror contest

 Congratulations to the Carnegie Screenwriters team in this year’s Pittsburgh 48 Hour Film Project Horror contest. Our film “Thunder Domestic” written by Eben Parker and directed by Alex Cassun won four awards: Most Vile Villain for Brett Goodnack, Best Costume Design for Danielle Volkar, 2nd runner up for Best Film and Audience Favorite for our screening group.


You can watch it here:


CSW film in the 48 Hour Film Project Horror Screenings

Join us for the screening of the films in this year’s 48 Hour Film Project Horror contest.
Entries include the Carnegie Screenwriters’ film “Thunder Domestic” written by Eben Parker and directed by Alex Cassun.
Alex Cassun – director/producer; Eben Parker – writer; Jeremy Parsons – DP; Trudi Kennedy – producer/team leader; Nathaniel Peters – producer; Paul Nandzik – actor/stunts; Beth Rohach -craft services ; Bob Skwaryk – catering; Brandon Unis – editor; Nathaniel Peters – sound; Danielle Volkar – costuming; R.W. Browning – SFX MUA; and, many others on this talented, hard-working crew.
CAST: Brett Goodnack, Julie Rohach, Marianne Bayard, Paul Nandzik, Brandon Unis, Lovell Gardner, Angela Trovato, Cody Patterson, Jacob Trettel

PGH 48HFP Horror Screenings 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017
The Oaks Theater
310 Allegheny River Blvd
Oakmont, PA 15139

Tickets are $10. Available online or at the door.


Do you love things that go bump in the night? The Pittsburgh 48 Hour Film Horror Project is a creative contest where teams of filmmakers create a horror film in a single weekend.
Join us to watch the films and vote on your favs!

Featuring films by:

Group A
Todd Wolfson Just Buried Productions
Eye of the Beholder Kino Industries
A Taste of Murder Ghost Light Productions
Hexslyvania You Have To Watch This Films
Home Sweet Home Hutchins Films
Still at large Gold Bug Productions
Sucky Script BA
Thunder Domestic Carnegie Screenwriters
Tremble Admit One Productions

Group B
Cold Read Stoops Ferry Productions
Cornered Beginnings
Something Happens in the Night Goat Milk Fudge
Between the Lines Gaff Tape and a Prayer
Infective Reckless
Night Light Shadowframe Productions
The Retreat Steel Forest Productions
A Horror Story Falling October Productions
Marne Locust Street Entertainment


CSW team competing in the 48 Hour Horror Film Challenge

Team Carnegie Screenwriters will once again compete in the 48 Hour Horror Film contest this weekend, October 20-22. Team CSW is directed by Alex Cassun and Team Leader Trudi Kennedy. Screenings will be Saturday, October 28 at the Oaks Theater. More details to come.

3rd on 3rd Spooktacular Seated Readings

The Carnegie Screenwriters present a special Halloween edition of the 3rd on 3rd reading series featuring short scripts with thrills and chills.

Refreshments served

Open to the public
Admission: $5 suggested donation

3rd Street Gallery

220 3rd Street
Carnegie, Pa 15106

CSW Script & Screen Festival official T-shirts available

Be sure to order your official Carnegie Screenwriters Script and Screen Festival T-shirt while supplies last!

Official festival T-shirt. All proceeds will go towards next year’s festival.

All funds raised will be paid directly to Carnegie Arts Initiative for CSW Script & Screen Festival.
(also available in black)

CSW first annual Script & Screen Festival a rousing success!

Congratulations to Carnegie Screenwriters & festival director Wendy Grube for a successful Script & Screen Festival at the Tull Family Theater in Sewickley. We had 34 short screenplays submitted with one coming in from Singapore. The top three were given seated readings at the festival reception on August 26. The reception was well attended as writers, actors and filmmakers mingled and enjoyed great food and beverages.

On Sunday the 27th we screened over 30 short films including submissions from England, Iran and Russia as well as across the United States.

The audience voted for their favorites. First place went to “Lightheaded,” a comedy written and produced by Caroline Collins and directed by Steve Parys. Second place was “Breakage,” a drama written and directed by Steve Parys. Third place was “Big Boy” a comedy by Yuri Solodov of Russia. Congratulations to them and all of our writers, filmmakers and actors.

Carnegie Screenwriters Script & Screen Festival

August 26 & 27, 2017
Tull Family Theater
Sewickley, PA 15143
CSW Script & Screen Festival Filmmaker Reception:

Join us on Saturday, August 26th for our first Carnegie Script & Screen Festival filmmaker reception and seated reading.

We will have seated readings of our selected scripts read by local actors.  Scripts to be presented are:

“The Badge, the Gun, and the Hangman’s Noose” by Edward Santiago.

“Dig” by Robert Brian Taylor


“Hell to Pay: The Legend of Robert Johnson” by Giancarlo Fusi

Cocktail hour will begin at 6:00 PM with savory treats from Philomena’s  Catering.  Come out and meet the screenwriters and filmmakers whose works will be highlighted during our inaugural event.

Portions of the evening will be filmed for an upcoming episode of WQED’s Filmmakers Corner program to be aired as part of a special Carnegie Screenwriters Script & Screen Festival episode to be shown in the fall.

Hope to see you there!

CSW Script & Screen Festival Film Screenings:

Join us for our first Carnegie Screenwriters Script and Screen Festival.  This International festival will feature short films from the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas in addition to selections from across the globe.  This screening event will take place at the Tull Family Theater in Sewickley, PA on Sunday August 27, 2017.

Attendees will have access to the full day of short film screenings of our selected films.  Tickets will not be sold for individual films or blocks of films.  Films will run from 11AM until approximately 4:15PM at which time filmmakers in attendance will receive their Official Selection certificates.  Doors will open at 10AM.  Please arrive early as films will start promptly at 11AM

Come out and meet local filmmakers and support independent filmmaking around the world.




CSW film in Pittsburgh 48 Hour Film Project

The Carnegie Screenwriters have once again made a film as part of the 48 Hour Film Project – Pittsburgh.
Our film will screen as part of Screening Group C – Saturday, July 22, 9:30pm, Oaks Theater in Oakmont.
“This Is How We Roll,” a mockumentary by Chad Shannon and Catherine Dawgert
Directed by Carrie Collins Zenkevich
A documentary examines the cutthroat world of competitive Yahtzee.
Featuring: Ken Bolden, Jill Black, Alex Parrish, Campbell Kurlander, Kendall Yeaman & Ethan Yeaman