Screenwriting Book Signing and Release Party

April 29, 2019 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. CCAC South Campus in West Mifflin, PA

Join us for an evening of networking and learning at CCAC with author and script consultant, Jim Mercurio. Jim will be leading a lecture on screenwriting called “Breaking the Rules with Style.” His new book “The Craft of Scene Writing” will be available for purchase and there will be a raffle for his 10-hr screenwriting DVD set with all proceeds going to Carnegie Screenwriters. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.

Event is free but registration on Eventbrite is required.

Please see our Events page for details.

“Craft of Scene Writing” Book Signing & Release Party

Join us for an evening of networking and learning at CCAC South campus (Community College of Allegheny County) with author and script consultant, Jim Mercurio. Jim will be leading a lecture on screenwriting called ‘Breaking the Rules with Style’. His new book “The Craft of Scene Writing” will be available for purchase at discount and there will be a raffle for his 10-hr screenwriting DVD set with all proceeds going to Carnegie Screenwriters. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.

Event is free but registration on Eventbrite is required.

Many thanks to our host and co-sponsor, CCAC, and to PJ Gaynard.